One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four

February is almost over. Did you get your potato fix?

Potatoes have great nutritional value that many are not aware of. The United States Potato Board is a great source for gaining more knowledge to becoming a master on taters! Below are some fun and healthy facts about potatoes. The most popular fact people loved is:

One medium-size potato (5.3 ounces) has just 110 calories and is fat- and sodium- free

For more information and healthy facts on potatoes visit

In addition to our famous baked potatoes, we havesweet potatoes to take pleasure in all month long.

Sweet Potatoes are healthy for many reasons, below are just to name a few:

  1. Sweet Potatoes are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
  2. Sweet Potatoes give nutrients that are beneficial to lower blood pressure.
  3. Sweet Potatoes are a good source for people involved in heavy muscular work because it is high in vitamins and minerals.
  4. Sweet Potatoes are a good food for diabetics, because it helped stabilize blood sugar level.

Now for the fun:

Win! Three lucky readers will win dining passes for two for Souplantation /Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant. To enter –
*Tell us your favorite blog from February thus far and why
*Repost one of our Blogs on your own blog, or send a link from your facebook or twitter
*Become a Fan of Souplantation on Facebook.
*Follow Souplantation Twitter and tweet about this contest (you can do this daily) Copy & Paste: Be 1 of 3 to win dining passes for 2 for Souplantation /Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant Follow their blog!
We will choose winners on Friday,  February 26, 2010. The winners will have 48 hours to respond.

28 thoughts on “One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four”

  1. My favorite of your blogs was your February Recipe: Golden Yam Bisque! Because it looks fairly easy to make & like something that would definitely be a hit in our household!

  2. This is my favorite article because, it offers the chance for a free meal, and that will always top my list, especially when it a chance to get some Caesar Salad and Joan’s Broccoli Madness, it doesn’t get much better.

  3. I forgot to tell u , I follow on twitter and facebook, I tweeted a link to this blog, and I will post daily your tweet. I am @lanieekat on twitter, thanks.

  4. I love the recipe for the Golden Yam Bisque! It’s nice to find a soup recipe that can be eaten as a meal, yet also satisfies the sweet craving. No dessert needed after a bowl of this bisque! We’re so glad you’ve shared the recipe!

  5. I love the blog on sweet potato soup, as it’s my very favorite and I just had some down at Souplantation, Temecula, CA last week! Feel so very good after eating there. Feel healthy, instead of bogged down by heavy foods, like I usually feel after eating out in restaurants~

  6. I liked 10 reasons to love the potato. Teaches our kids there’s more to the potato than french fries in the drive thru.

  7. My favorite post from Feb was the recipe for the soup. I love it in the store but since it has a limited run, I’m going to love making it at home too.

  8. Love the article on 10 Reasons to LOVE the Potato. We love potatoes in our family and to learn how really good they are for you is the sour cream on the potato!

    1. Congrats to The Mom Jen, Chrystal and Elaine for winning our first blog contest!!! It was our inaugural contest so thank you all for participating. Keep reading our blog for recipes, insights into the company and more contests!

  9. And my favorite article was actually Recipe Cuttings. I think it is interesting to see some of the behind the scenes stuff.

  10. As I posted on my Facebook- We have been trying the Vegan diet since October and I highly recommend it for those with autoimmune disease. For this reason the blog of Feb 3 really spoke true to me.

    Souplantation has been a life saver for us as we make our way in this new world of eating for life.

  11. fave Feb. post was Fresh from the Farm to our Front Door – good to know the supply chain
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  12. I enjoyed the post 10 reasons to love the potato. Good information about one fo my favorite foods. I also love the recipes posted. Yum!!

  13. I went back and looked again and I have to say I also liked the post Fresh from the Farm…I did not know that those cute little tomatoes didn’t even exist 14 years ago. Wow! The pictures are also very cute of the happy farmer.

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